Why Sex Toy Testers Is A Great Option How To Get An Extra Money?

Why Sex Toy Testers Is A Great Option How To Get An Extra Money?

You can do some jobs for money and others for love, such as working as a sex tester.

Although some testers are paid, the majority of testers do so for the perks.

Although you won’t make a lot of money, it’s a great job that will give you satisfaction. You’ll also get to keep the products after you finish testing them because let’s face it, no one wants to buy a used toy sex toy.

What are the chances of me getting paid to test sex toys?

Although some people have made a living in adult toy testing, it’s unlikely that you will become a millionaire.

SultryDish, a sex website, has some tips for you on how to succeed in sex toy testing.

It says: “First, there are very few chances that this will be a highly paid career. It is work. Sometimes it’s hard to feel good about yourself. However, finishing the job and being a professional is essential for your success.

Jess Wilde, Lovehoney writer, and Bondage Expert at the Lovehoney Headquarters located in Bath

How can I get a free sex toy?

Many organizations will offer you a free sex item in exchange for your feedback. These are just a few.


Lovehoney will be sending out free sex toys and lubricants every week for you to try. Lovehoney receives a review and you get the item to keep.

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You only need to follow four simple steps in order to get involved.

1. Create an account

2. Write an review

3. Verify your address

4. Make a wishlist

You will receive an email with your product and a confirmation if you have been selected to review the item.

Your review should be written as soon as possible after you have given the item a thorough test and within one month of receipt.

Lovehoney also offers these top tips to become a tester:

1. Set up a community profile – If you already have a shop account, it’s easy to set up a community profile. Follow these instructions the next time you log into.

2 Review products you have purchased from Lovehoney. You must have reviews before you can be considered for a tester.


You can also get sex toys for free by submitting honest product reviews.

You must volunteer to test sex toys in the appropriate thread of the sex forums to get your free toy.

Each month, the sex toys are sent out in the first week. Before we send out anything, all sex toys testers will be contacted.


The organisation provides a brief job description for sex testers.

“An active sexual life, good personal fitness, passion for wearable technology, and mountains of confidence are required.”

On their website, you can apply for a test of their SexFit device. It allows users to monitor key performance indicators such as length and thrusts per hour in the bedroom.


A secret Facebook group manages the orgasmic sex testing program. It is used to distribute products to people who are interested.

Everything you receive is completely free. You are only required to give an honest review within the timeframe, which is typically five to seven business days.

You can access the Facebook group by clicking here.


Durex Ireland offers the opportunity to be a Sexecutive. You won’t get paid again for your testing, but you will receive a free toy.

You can find work by searching on forums, classifieds, social media sites, and search engines.

You could also try contacting the sex companies directly. Even if you don’t want to test sex, you could still get a job as a non-sexy tester at a sex company to see if they allow you to take home free items.